Separated from his family and caught in a cycle of gambling and debt, Jim has less than a day to repay a violent loan shark. His day is turned upside down when he must look after his young. Jim's relationship with his son is tested as his plans to pay back the loan fail. When his last desperate effort to repay the debt puts his son's life at risk, he must make a choice between his past and a second chance at life.
故事发生在未来的世界中,当周遭真实发生的所有事情都无法再刺激到年轻人麻木的神经后,他们将目光投向了虚无的虚拟世界当中,于是,一款名为“阿瓦隆”的游戏诞生了。在游戏中,人们可以选择任何他们想要经历的刺激关卡,在通关后甚至可以得到巨额的奖励。就这样,越来越多的人们沉溺于虚拟世界的厮杀和争斗,而等待着他们的最终结果就是过度刺激造成的脑部的永久性损伤。 阿修(玛尔歌泽塔·弗雷姆夏克 Malgorzata Foremniak 饰)是诸多游戏者中的一员,她精湛的技术和独来独往的特殊个性引来了众人的瞩目,却也引来了危险的竞争者。为了弄清楚这个神秘竞争者的真实面目,阿修在虚拟和现实世界中展开了双线调查,随着调查的深入,一段隐秘的往事渐渐的浮出了水面。©豆瓣
A heroic fantasy about an artist’s destiny at the tumultuous time of social transformations. One of director Alexander Mitta’s best films. The south of Russia, 1920. In a town square, a mono-performance is on, based on Shakespeare’s “Julius Caesar”. The film’s hero who took the pseudonym “Revarm”, which stands for “Revolutionary Art for the Masses”, is seriously interested in theatre. The real life and the stage one are intertwined in his destiny. In a provincial town where the power continuously changes hands, going from the Reds to the Whites, from the Whites to a band of the Greens, this youthful stage reformer, endowed with the gift of persuasion, attracts people to his cause, leaving no one indifferent.
为了完成父亲的遗愿,杰克(伊桑·霍克 Ethan Hawke 饰)只身来到了遥远的阿拉斯加寻找金矿。在这里,他遇见了善良友好的艾利克斯(克劳斯·马利亚·布朗道尔 Klaus Maria Brandauer 饰),两人决定结伴共同奋斗。 一只名叫白牙的阿拉斯加雪橇犬改变了杰克的命运,将他从死亡线上挽救了回来,而当白牙被赌狗的恶棍们当成摇钱树之时,杰克也毫不犹豫的对其伸出了援手。一人一狗之间,友谊和信任正在慢慢滋生。白牙靠着自己的天赋帮助杰克与艾利克斯找到了金矿,亦保护了金矿不被坏人夺走。当发了财的艾利克斯邀请杰克回纽约一起创业之时,面对依依不舍的白牙,杰克犹豫了。©豆瓣
Affair in the Snow (Juhyo no Yoromeki) Yuriko, owner of a barbershop in Sapporo, takes a trip with Sugino, her lover. When they enjoy themselves in the cold and the snow, Yuriko tells him that she has come with the intention to break up with him. Convinced that there is another man, eaten up by jealousy, Sugino decides to kill her at the lake Shikotsuko. But Yuriko tells him that she's pregnant...
汉莎航空的空少姜宇奎(元泰熙 饰)惯于做空中飞人,首尔速递员李泰俊(李利景 饰)终日在街头奔波送件。两年前宇奎离开首尔后就再没回来过,如今因为工作关系必须在故地重留一晚。寒风凛冽的街头,冬夜里一片寂静。宇奎通过互联网成功的搭讪到泰俊,他打算将后者发展成为一夜情对象,然而两个同样寂寞的人由性到爱衍生出了更多情绪。两年前一桩恐同暴力永久改变了宇奎的人生,而在这个夜晚,当他们来到当年的肇事酒吧,仿佛一切又回到了原点...... 自《不后悔》后,李宋熙日已成为韩国独立电影界颇受争议的话题人物。他的取材无不涉及同性爱,他镜头下的男人充满了爱欲纠缠和奇妙的情感构架。《白夜》是李宋熙日的最新都市暗夜诗,导演想告诉人们,不是所有人都能过上梦想的生活和拥抱爱,但在转瞬即逝前也许两个人可以相处得简简单单。《白夜》与《忽然之间,去年夏天》、《南行》一同构成李宋熙日的“两天一夜”三部曲。本片入选第63届柏林电影节全景单元。©豆瓣
As the innocent Célène (Paola Locatelli) falls in love with popular surfer Tristan (Simon Rérolle) in her new school, she has no idea that she’s the object of a cruel bet between Tristan and Instagram queen Vanessa (Ella Pellegrini) dangerous Liaisons, a film starring Paola Locatelli and Simon Rérolle, only on Netflix, July 8th.
柬埔寨首部大型动作片。意大利导演 Jimmy Henderson,2011年移居柬埔寨。由构思开始,他便想拍一部困在一个空间的群打片。电影以传统柬埔寨武术作卖点,动作部份媲美2011年印尼的《突击死亡塔》。故事讲述警队拘捕罪犯Playboy,点知原来Playboy另有「大佬」,蝴蝶夫人才是真正的大家姐。为免Playboy洩露社团机密,大家姐悬红追杀他,惹来监狱一片恶斗,各人对Playboy虎视眈眈。押送Playboy的警察加入战团抵抗保护证人。最后蝴蝶夫人出手来个突袭!选角有柬埔寨女子溷合格斗冠军Tharoth Sam和法柬溷血特技人Jean-Paul Ly助阵,还有前艳星Céline Tran首次拍 动作片。电影在柬埔寨大卖,掀起动作片热潮。